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Empowering a Greener Future with Innovative Solutions


Research & Innovation in Conversion of Municipal solid waste MSW to Hydrogen H, CO2 Capture and Valorization, Biofuel Technologies, Plasma applications, Photonics, and Renewables Energy Business Development.

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Our Values


Research, Develop, Innovate

Innovating for a Sustainable Tomorrow

Science-based applied physics and R&D company

Research & Innovation in Conversion of Municipal solid waste (MSW) to Hydrogen (H), CO2 Capture and Valorization, Biofuel Technologies, Plasma applications, Photonics, and Renewables Energy Business Development

We specialize in underdeveloped yet transformative technologies, such as green hydrogen, next-generation batteries, thermal energy storage, heat pumps, bioenergy with carbon capture, and floating solar PV

These innovations are poised to revolutionize energy production, consumption, and CO2 capture in the coming years, making a significant impact on the fight against climate change

Together, we can shape a cleaner, more resilient future


We Guide Your Innovation Journey

From Concept to Reality

Empowering Tunisian Companies to Innovate

We assist Tunisian companies in transforming their innovative ideas into successful projects

By offering comprehensive technical and managerial support, we guide businesses through every phase of the project lifecycle—from experimental proof of concept to prototype design and manufacturing, all the way to system delivery in an operational environment

Our expertise ensures that companies can overcome barriers and achieve groundbreaking advancements, fostering a culture of innovation and growth

Our Vision

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Access to Sustainable Energy

We help companies and communities access sustainable modern energy services that underpins business, health, education, and livelihoods, increasing resilience to climate change.

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Empower Advanced Circular Technology

Circular projects provide high-benefit economical results and enhance local communities' businesses, especially in under-developing countries. At EPI Green Vision, we strive to maintain zero waste to landfill by converting domestic and industrial wastes into energy or other useful materials.

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Reduce Dependencies from Rare Raw Materials

While providing new technological solutions based on non-expensive and available materials, we help accelerate the energy transition and increase its sustainability.

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Work in Open Network and Use Advanced Technologies

We leverage high communication technologies like machine learning, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things to drive innovation.



Support companies with innovative projects

We support Tunisian, African and global industries and startups in their innovative projects in the study, engineering, optimization, development and implementation phases. We also participate in national and global technical and strategic partnerships for the fight against pollution and climate change.

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National & international researches

Support innovators to accelerate the delivery of new products

Introducing a new technology or product to a new market has never been easy and has its own set of challenges and obstacles. At EPI Green Vision, we support innovators who seek to accelerate the delivery of new products by optimizing resources and reducing cost through innovation.

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Green Energy production and storage

Develop new technologies

We develop new technologies for the production of biofuels, alternative energies, water treatment, green hydrogen, ecological batteries, waste recycling and many other areas.

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Optimize Industrial Processes

We support Tunisian companies in optimizing industrial processes.

Our industrial engineering team supports Tunisian companies in optimizing industrial processes. We improve efficiency, control flows, reduce losses and energy consumption and manage costs. We also assist manufacturers to automate their processes and prepare their migration towards Industry 4.0.

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Offer Consultancy in Biofuels Projects

We provide business and technical consultancy.

With over 15 years’ experience in multi-feedstock biofuels industries, we provide business and technical consultancy in new or existing projects. We help entrepreneurs optimize their plants and upgrade it to use low-quality feedstock with high economic efficiency and improve the output product quality.

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Project Management and Leadership

Scale-up renewable energy technologies

We operate the most comprehensive open access, independent test and research facilities anywhere in the world to enable the scale-up of renewable energy technologies. With highly experienced teams of technical researchers, test engineers and technology specialists, EPI GreenVision is equipped to deliver industry-leading test, validation and applied research services to drive down the costs of innovation projects.

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Contact us

We're open to talk

A6, Imm Laguna Square, Les Berges du Lac 2 Po 1053, Tunis

+216 98 349 968